Horizonte Minerals plc has signed an agreement with Brazil’s national industrial training provider to train host communities in skills for the Araguaia nickel project.

The company said that the two-year agreement with Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) was a key component of Araguaia’s local content initiative.
The partners will train and develop local community members in core skills required during Araguaia’s construction and operational phases.
Horizonte will provide two million Brazilian Reais (£306,000) for technical training organisations to deliver more than 390 accredited traineeships in partnership with state university Universidade do Estado do Pará.
The first round of training has started with 80% male and 20% female participation.
A total of 37% of participants are aged 18 to 25 and 58% of participants are under the age of 33.
Horizonte said that 62% of the participants in the first round of training reported that they were unemployed.
Araguaia is forecast to employ more than 2,500 personnel in construction and up to 500 in the operational phase, with many engaged by local and national contractors.
Employees will also develop transferable and valuable industrial skills in mine local procurement and supply chains for mining, agriculture and tourism sectors.
Chief executive Jeremy Martin said that local employment and local procurement was a critical contribution that mines made to community economic development.
“In partnership with SENAI, it is our objective to up-skill local community members in industry-certified, market-ready, transferable industrial skills, such as welding and electro-mechanical construction.
“With these enhanced skill sets, host community members will have greater opportunities to participate in the direct and indirect mine workforce; the potential to supply goods and services to mining and broader industry through locally operated companies; and, most importantly, to strengthen the creation of vibrant regional communities.”
Non-executive director Dr Gillian Davidson added that the company had set targets for inclusion, diversity and equality to enhance the outreach and impact of the initiative.
“Participation in the programme by local women and youth is strongly supported, to ensure that Horizonte, Araguaia and mine host communities benefit from the unique perspectives, diverse skills and socio-economic development that the empowerment of women and younger people brings.”