Metals & Minerals News

Horizonte chooses furnace supplier and begins early works at Araguaia

Horizonte Minerals plc announced it had chosen Hatch Ltd to supply the furnace and started early works for the Araguaia ferronickel project in Brazil.

Sustainability: Horizonte believes there very few projects in the near-term global pipeline to match Araguaia’s credentials (Horizonte)


The company expects to begin site ground-breaking and main earthworks at the beginning of the dry season in early Q2.

Chief executive Jeremy Martin said that the team was also progressing expansion plans to double production at Araguaia alongside bringing Vermelho to a construction decision.


Horizonte said it had chosen the leading supplier of electric furnaces to the ferronickel industry, Hatch Ltd.

The company has a strong track record in South America, which includes both Anglo American’s and Vale’s nickel operations in Brazil and South 32’s Cerro Matoso operation in Colombia.


Mr Martin added that Horizonte was starting a very exciting phase as the two-year build of Araguaia began.

“We are bringing together a highly experienced group of partners to operate alongside us as we work to deliver Araguaia safely, on time, on budget and with the ongoing support of our communities.

“With the nickel price reaching decade long highs and the clean energy transition dramatically increasing the demand for nickel in both stainless steel and battery markets, there has never been a better time to be bringing a new, low-carbon, scalable nickel project online.

“There are very few other projects in the near-term global pipeline that match the economic and sustainability credentials of Araguaia.”