Helium One Global Ltd’s joint venture has spud the Jackson-31 well at the Galactica helium development project in Las Animas County, Colorado, USA.

Operator and partner Blue Star Helium is currently preparing to drill intermediate hole section
“The shallow conductor section has been set, and the BOPs [blowout preventers] are now being installed and tested ahead of drilling out the intermediate hole section,” said Helium One.
“After casing at the base of the intermediate section, the well will target the Lyons Formation, with target depth planned within the Upper Lyons Formation gas reservoir.
“When TD is reached, wireline logging will then be undertaken, followed by flow and pressure readings at the wellhead.
“This data will be used to estimate the potential of the well based on the production model.”
Once completed, Jackson-31 is anticipated to be tied-in to production facilities.
The project is part of the wider Galactica-Pegasus development in which the partners each hold a 50% interest.