News Oil & Gas

Helium One JV shows ‘strong flow’ at Jackson-4

Helium One Global Ltd said that gas had shown a “strong natural flow” during drilling of the Jackson-4 well at the Galactica project in Las Animas County, Colorado, USA.

Samples: analysed for helium and carbon dioxide concentrations (Pixabay)


Partner and operator Blue Star Helium drilled to a total depth of 1,260ft (384m) with “free gas” confirmed by wireline logs, with no water encountered.

The well encountered the target Lyons Formation at a depth of 1,198 feet measured depth MD and was completed 62 ft into the Upper Lyons Sandstone formation at 1,260 ft.

“Based on offset wells, it is likely that the entire Upper Lyons Sandstone formation as well as a significant portion of the Lower Lyons Sandstone formation will be gas saturated,” added Helium One.

“This well targeted the highest quality sandstone at the top of the Upper Lyons Sandstone formation which is well connected to the entire gas column.”

Early gas samples have been sent for analyses of helium and carbon dioxide concentrations.

Installation of the well head currently underway will be followed by surface pressure readings, flow testing and further gas sampling.

On successful testing, Jackson-4 will be completed before being tied-in to production facilities.

The JV will soon mobilise the drill rig to the Jackson-29 SWNW 3054 well location where pad construction has started.