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Helium One in final stages of rig audit

Helium One Global plc is in the final stages of auditing activities for its planned Phase II drilling campaign at its Rukwa (100%) project in Tanzania.

Schematic stratigraphic section for the Rukwa project drilling (Helium One)


The company said sub-contractor ADC Energy had completed 80% of an independent audit of the proposed drilling rig in its yard in Kenya. 

Key components observed in operation include the rig carrier, sub-structure and mast hydraulics, top-drive, iron roughneck, mud tank valves and mud pumps.

Helium One added that the audit had catalogued required repairs, which the drilling company was addressing, but had to date identified no major failures.

A communication issue with a module in the rig’s management system, resulting in a six-day delay, has now been resolved.

Final audit activities are due to re-start in mid-August.

Logistics planning to transport the rig from Kenya to Rukwa is well advanced and preparations on drill pad design have progressed in time to receive the rig.


The company confirmed a tier-one oil and gas service company as its preferred integrated well services contractor. 

Integrated services include drilling fluids, wireline evaluation and downhole gas sampling which are essential to the successful operation and data collection from the planned drilling campaign. 

Helium One said it was awaiting confirmation of the date that equipment and staff would be available in Tanzania, which determines the earliest date that drilling can begin. 


“The challenge of finding a suitable rig for our next drilling campaign at Rukwa Tanzania has been compounded by increasing demand from the large and medium size oil and gas companies resulting in a scarcity of rigs and ancillary well evaluation equipment available for the East African market,” added chief executive David Minchin.

“These challenges have been largely overcome and we are pressing ahead with our planned Phase II drilling programme, completing the audit process on the rig and agreeing availability for provision of integrated well services.” 

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