Helium One Global Ltd confirmed a further helium gas show in drilling mud in the red sandstone group at its Rukwa project in Tanzania.

The company also announced a delay to drilling the sidetrack from Tai-1 well after the drill string became lost at 561 metres.
Helium gas shows, identified in stratigraphy above the company’s primary targets from 552m to 561m, were supported by bubbles in drilling mud returns at surface.
The gas show continued to increase to 561m over a thickness of 9mms, at which point drilling was halted due to parted drill-pipe.
The drill pipe parting was above a fatigue point and 12 stands and the drill bit are currently at the bottom of the well.
The company decided to sidetrack drill from above the lost pipe at 483m allowing it to utilise the existing 483m of completed drilling rather relocate to a new location.
Helium One said that the time spent in trying to recover the lost pipe, sidetracking operations and re-drilling from 483m would delay the completion of drilling at the Tai-1 well.
Chief executive David Minchin added that the helium gas shows was an unexpected but positive result in a zone previously considered to be of low prospectivity.
“This gas show, along with our earlier reported gas show demonstrates a working helium system and supports helium prospectivity for additional gas shows throughout the stratigraphy.
“However, it is important to note that this interval needs to be logged with wireline before a pay zone can be determined.”