Guardian Metal Resources plc confirmed extended “high grade gold mineralisation” from trenching results at Golconda Summit in the Walker Lane mineral belt, northern Nevada, USA.

The November 2024 sampling totalled 527 metres across 10 trenches in the ‘Trench’ and ‘Thrust’ zones.
The programme’s objective was to confirm high-grade structures identified by previous operators and test for extensions of the mineralised system.
Trenches 10 and 11 are located in the central Thrust Zone, while trenches one to nine, excluding six which was not trenched, are in the Trench Zone in the southern part of Golconda.
The Trench Zone returned up to 6.10m at 13.12 g/t gold sampled across “multiple” fault structures within Upper Plate Havallah Sequence rocks.
The company said that the results suggested “strong potential for an extensive mineralised” Carlin-type gold system at depth within the more favourable Lower Plate host rocks.
Guardian has also identified an extension to the gold bearing system at the Thrust Zone located 550m to the north of the Trench Zone.
The Thrust Zone is part of an open ended, 150m long rock chip anomaly which returned trenching results up to 3.05m at 1.94 g/t gold.
The trenching results will be integrated with detailed geological mapping and legacy drill hole data.
Guardian’s flagship project remains Pilot Mountain, focused on tungsten, also in Nevada.