Extractive Industries

Guardian stakes more claims at Pilot

Guardian Metal Resources plc has staked 16 further claims at its Pilot Mountain tungsten project following indications of a “much larger” porphyry system than first expected.

Geological: confidence in the large anomalies identified by surveys (Pixabay)


The company engaged porphyry copper deposit specialist Dr Lawrence Carter following the June discovery of the mineralised system in drill hole PM24-002 at the Nevada site.

He will assess the findings and guide drilling and exploration across the two main porphyry targets.

Guardian said that Dr Carter’s review of porphyry system architecture at Pilot Mountain had yielded “significant” results.

“Multiple outcropping but previously unidentified levels of a mineralised porphyry system were mapped within various fault blocks across the Pilot Mountain property, including phyllic and potassic alteration zones,” added the company.

“New copper shows at surface were also identified across the Porphyry South target area.

“[The] review of PM24-002 drill core confirmed the intersection of 385.1m of porphyry style mineralisation and alteration from immediately beneath overburden at 22m to 407.1m end of hole, including multiple intervals of potassic alteration.”

The company is undertaking a geochronological study for molybdenite rhenium – osmium as well as a whole-rock geochemical fingerprinting study.

The additional claims staked will secure the now expanded and mapped hydrothermal footprint associated with the Porphyry South target.

Guardian has also completed further magnetic and induced polarisation geophysical survey lines over the project to help with drill targeting.

Chief executive Oliver Friesen described Dr Carter’s findings as “very exciting”.

“These new findings build upon the visual results from drillhole PM24-002 and give geological confidence in the large anomalies identified by recent geophysical surveys.

“We are now working diligently with our technical team and Dr Carter to refine a number of drill targets into the large porphyry system now identified across Pilot Mountain, with the goal of making exciting discoveries that complement our very strategic in-ground tungsten-copper-silver-zinc resource at Desert Scheelite.”

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