Guardian Metal Resources plc’s assays showed “one of the longest mineralised intervals” with an intersection of 46m from the expanded drilling programme at Pilot Mountain in Nevada, USA.

The results are from Desert Scheelite drill core samples from holes PM24-014 to PM24-017, with “very high grade tungsten and copper”.
PM24-017 best results to date also comprise 0.413% tungsten oxide, 12.2g/t silver, 2,476ppm copper and 0.37% zinc from 66.4 – 112.4m.
Drill hole PM24-014 downhole highlight drill intersection comprises 15.1m at 0.141% tungsten oxide, 45.2g/t silver, 12,923ppm copper (1.292%) and 0.65% zinc from 20.4 – 35.5m.
Guardian said that the majority of the intercepts were located “entirely within the planned pit shell” and represented a “significant” upgrade from the previous low grade block model in the area.
Standout “extremely high-grade” assays of 1.5m at 5.02% copper (25m – 26.5m downhole depth) from PM24-014 are the second highest drilled copper assay results to date from Pilot Mountain.
The company has so far completed 37 drill holes and is currently drilling the thirty-eighth.
Chief executive Oliver Friesen added that the USA had classified tungsten as “dual use” for the industrial and military sectors.
“With these latest high-grade tungsten and copper drill assay results now reported, we are one step closer to updating the mineral resource and mine plan for inclusion in our pre-feasibility study and to the company’s ultimate goal of supporting the United States’ onshoring efforts for this very important dual-use metal.”