Guardian Metal Resources plc has confirmed copper-molybdenum mineralisation at surface within the Porphyry South target at the Pilot Mountain tungsten project in Nevada, USA.

Following November 2024 results of “elevated copper” from widely spaced sampling, highlighting a possible “copper-rich shell” within the target, the company undertook more comprehensive sampling.
Results identified “significant” copper and molybdenum mineralisation within a newly discovered outcropping mineralised hydrothermal breccia zone.
The hydrothermal zone returned the first “at-surface high grade” copper results including rock chip samples of 1.93% copper, 204 parts per million molybdenum and 0.94% copper, 287 ppm molybdenum.
Porphyry South, one of three porphyry targets identified to date at Pilot Mountain, currently covers 1,250m by 1,500m.
The “nested” east-west striking mineralised breccia zone is 380m in length.
Guardian said that the surface copper mineralisation complemented the molybdenum enrichment found in the 2024 drillhole at Porphyry South.
“These results validate our belief in the significant potential of Pilot Mountain as a large-scale multi-metal project,” added chief executive Oliver Friesen.
“The discovery of a hydrothermal breccia zone with outcropping Cu-Mo mineralisation is a game-changer for this underexplored target area and underscores the potential scale and quality of this asset.”
The company also continues its drilling campaign at Pilot Mountain and plans for a pre-feasibility engineering study in 2025.