Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc outlines Phase II drilling for Amitsoq graphite

GreenRoc Mining plc said it would start its Phase II drilling campaign later this month at the
Amitsoq Island graphite project in southern Greenland.

Potential: the Kalaaq deposit to the south of Amitsoq Island is yet to be drilled (GreenRoc Mining)


In a 12-week programme, GreenRoc plans to drill up to 27 holes for 3,200m, with the aim of increasing and upgrading the current initial JORC resource of 8.28Mt at 19.75% graphitic carbon (C(g)).

Drilling will test the revised exploration target of 5-15 Mt at a grade range of 18-22% C(g) announced on 12 May 2022.

GreenRoc said it had strong confidence that a higher-tonnage, higher-category resource could be established.

Phase II drill results are expected to support creation of a mine plan to input into a feasibility study.


The company added that significant further upside remained at the undrilled Kalaaq deposit, to the south of Amitsoq Island.

GreenRoc plans an inaugural drill programme for 2023 to test the deposit.


“With the Amitsoq deposit remaining open along strike and down dip, and the recently expanded exploration target, we are confident that a more significant, high-category resource can be established,” said interim chief executive Lars Brünner.

“If, for instance, drilling converts the upper end of the exploration target into JORC resources, this will see the current resource estimate for contained graphite increase from 1.63Mt to 4.93Mt.

“It is also worthwhile noting that the Kalaaq deposit to the south of Amitsoq Island is yet to be drilled, providing further upside potential and giving an indication of just how extensive the project’s resource could be.”