Extractive Industries

GreenRoc Mining raises £460,790 via placing

GreenRoc Mining plc has raised £460,786 via a placing of 18,431,452 new ordinary shares each of 0.1 pence at a price of 2.5 pence per placing share.

Proceeds: will fund a feasibility study of a graphite anode processing plant at Amitsoq (stock photo)


Participants included chief executive officer Stefan Bernstein, non-executive chairman George Frangeskides and independent non-executive director Mark Rachovides, who each subscribed for 200,000 shares for £5,000.

On admission, the company’s total issued hare capital will comprise 165,114,162 ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each. GreenRoc holds no ordinary shares in treasury.

Net proceeds will fund a feasibility study of a graphite anode processing plant, an environmental study, commercial negotiations with potential off-take and financial partners and for general working capital at the Amitsoq graphite project in Greenland.

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