Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc 2022 drilling confirms consistent high grade graphite intersections at Amitsoq

GreenRoc Mining plc said that completion of its Phase II drilling programme confirmed consistent high-grade graphite intersections at its flagship Amitsoq project in South Greenland.

Phase I collars (2021) in blue with projection of drill holes in orange and Phase II collars (2022) in red with projection of drill holes in green. Each collar also has a vertical drill hole. Outcropping graphite layers in brown (GreenRoc)


The company, which began Phase II in June 2022, has given the results to the independent competent person for a revised mineral resource assessment, expected in January 2023.

Results show that mineable widths (more than 2m true thickness) of graphite were present in eight holes of the upper graphite layer (UGL) with graphite grades of 13.52 to 20.92 C(g) %.

Mineable widths of graphite were also present in all 19 holes of the lower graphite layer (LGL), with some holes displaying two distinct graphite layers (LGL1 and LGL2) and graphite grades ranging from 17.80 C(g) % to 24.52 C(g) %.


The LGL generally thickened from south (2.52m to 13.12m true thickness) to north from approximately 12m to more than 20m thickness, while graphite grades appeared unrelated to ore body thickness.

The highest grade 24.52 C(g) % came from 6.89m thick LGL in the South, but the 20.77m true thickness intersection of LGL to the North gave similarly high graphite grade of 23.32 C(g) %.

Likewise the 20.23m true thickness intersection of LGL in one drill hole at the same drill collar C2 returned 20.92 C(g) %.

Holes drilled in the northwest were generally between 14.71m and 17.07m in thickness except for one hole which displayed a LGL split into two layers of 9.35m and 7.56m true thickness.

All return similarly high graphite grades of 20.30 to 22.37 C(g) %.


Chief executive Stefan Bernstein maintained that the UGL orebody remained open towards the west and south, while the LGL remained open towards the south, west and north.

“The consistency of the very high graphite grades in both of the LGL and UGL ore bodies coupled with their simple architecture, makes mine planning and the mining operations relatively simple and straightforward from a mining-technical viewpoint and with a minimum of waste rock produced.

“These are important factors not only for the construction and operation phases but also in relation to the cost implications of building a mine at Amitsoq, as energy costs could be greatly reduced.”