Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc increases tonnage at Kalaaq graphite exploration target

GreenRoc Mining plc said it had further increased the tonnage range of the Kalaaq exploration target at its Amitsoq graphite project in Greenland.

Camp: drilling at Amitsoq Island is targeting resource expansion to support a feasibility study (GreenRoc Mining)


The company, in which Alba Mineral Resources plc holds a 54% interest, based the new figures on additional channel and field sampling along with field mapping during the 2021 field season.

Kalaaq has increased from a tonnage range of 4Mt–7Mt at a grade range of 23-29% graphitic carbon (Cg) to 6Mt-10Mt at a grade range of 17-33% Cg.

The company said that results confirmed “significant resource potential” of the as yet undrilled deposit.


The project comprises Kalaaq and Amitsoq Island deposits. The latter has a combined indicated and inferred JORC resource of 8.28 Mt at an average grade of 19.75% Cg, giving a total graphite content of 1.63 Mt, and an exploration target of 5-15 Mt at a grade range of 18-22% Cg.

Drilling is due to resume at Amitsoq Island later in June, targeting resource expansion to support a feasibility study. Kalaaq will be drilled in 2023.


Interim chief executive Lars Brünner added that a detailed feasibility study would precede of commercial production.

“Recent corporate investment activity in Greenland’s strategic minerals space tells us that the time is now to advance exploration at our flagship projects.”