Extractive Industries

GreenRoc tests confirm Amitsoq graphite suitable for EV batteries

GreenRoc Mining plc’s latest test programme confirmed that its Amitsoq graphite is suitable for refining into spherical graphite used to manufacture electric vehicle (EV) batteries.

Figure 1: SEM* image of Amitsoq spheronised graphite as well rounded potato-shape particles. Scale bar of 100µm (=0.1mm) (GreenRoc Mining)


Spherical graphite is used in the production of the anode material in EV batteries. 

“The anode sector is the fastest growing market for graphite and the ability to upgrade natural graphite to a high purity spherical graphite product is a prerequisite for entry into that market,” said GreenRoc in a statement.


The company’s technical consultants ProGraphite GmbH tested sample material from the Lower Graphite Layer (LGL) at the Amitsoq Island project in Greenland.

Results showed that graphite concentrate from Amitsoq was “very suitable” for micronisation and spheronisation, with high quality spherical graphite easily produced and exhibiting good commercial properties.

Additionally, primary concentrate product of at least 96.5% graphite could be achieved with relatively little processing.

“The concentrate micronised easily and with relatively little energy input, resulting in a very uniform micronised material.

“Two spherical graphite products were then produced, with median diameters of 15 and 19 micrometers, respectively.

“The physical target values for spherical graphite, such as narrow particle size distribution and high tap density, were achieved and exceeded.”


Chief executive Stefan Bernstein added spherical graphite was currently only produced in China.

“With these test results, Greenroc Mining is well positioned to become an important supplier of raw materials to the EV industry.”

“It is notable that ProGraphite found that only four flotation cleaning stages were required to reach a primary concentrate product of at least 96.5% graphite.

“This is very positive as it suggests that our future processing plant in Greenland will be able to run with a reduced number of cleaning stages compared to what had previously been assumed.

“This will shorten processing time, conserve energy and reduce the costs of production.”

Over the coming weeks GreenRoc will conduct further testing and characterisation of its spherical graphite product.

GreenRoc is 54% owned by Alba Mineral Resources plc.

*scanning electron microscope (SEM)

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