Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc advances Amitsoq production plans

GreenRoc Strategic Materials plc has submitting the project description as part of the exploitation licence process for the planned mine at Amitsoq in southern Greenland.

Funds: strategic project status under the Critical Raw Materials Act (Pixabay)


Subject to final approval, public consultation is expected to take place this Autumn.

Plans for a graphite active anode materials (AAM) production plant have also advanced with a letter of interest to secure 100,000m² in the Longum Nord area of Eyde Materials Park, Southern Norway.

The park is within an “industrial ecosystem” referred to as Norway’s ‘Battery Coast’ which includes processing and manufacturing industries, said the company.

Longum Nord lies 5km from Port of Arendal which is five days’ shipping time from the planned mine.

The site also lies opposite Europe’s first battery factory of the lithium-ion phosphate type, currently in the final stages of construction.

GreenRoc has additionally applied for strategic project status under the European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act, with the first round expected to be announced by December 2024.

If successful, the project would have access to EU financing and attract potential off-takers and project partners.

Of the two separate applications submitted, one covers extraction of flake graphite concentrate and the other production of AAM using Amitsoq graphite concentrate as feedstock.