Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc accelerates Amitsoq graphite

GreenRoc Mining plc is advancing its Amitsoq graphite project with preparations for a range of studies, processing, sales and marketing.

Plan: scoping study and environmental and social impact assessments (generic)


The company has appointed ProGraphite in Germany as adviser on the technical and commercial aspects of graphite processing, sales and marketing with a focus on “battery grade graphite products”.

GreenRoc also plans to appoint a process engineering specialist to complete test work on a 700kg bulk sample of graphite ore collected from Amitsoq.

Studies planned for 2023 include detailed mineralogical and petrographical studies on 2021 drill core samples by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.

The results are expected to support processing plant design and feed into the test work on the bulk sample.

Test work results and the studies will support a planned scoping study in 2023. Other proposed work includes environmental and social impact assessments.

GreenRoc has additionally completed initial meetings with potential industry partners including European car manufacturers and giga factories. 

Alba Mineral Resources holds a 54% majority interest in GreenRoc.