GreenRoc Mining plc has this week raised a further £110,000 via a subscription of a total 6,111,108 new ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each at a price of 1.8 pence per share.

The company’s directors, persons discharging managerial responsibilities, its largest shareholder Alba Mineral Resources plc and a number of Alba concert parties took part in the fundraise.
Alba’s £70,000.02 subscription was for 3,888,890 shares taking its holding to 66,915,207 shares, equivalent to 35.69% of its issued capital.
Non-executive director Michael Nott’s £4,999.99 subscription was for 277,777 shares; Alba and GreenRoc director and chairman George Frangeskides £9,499.99 (527,777); and Alba chief operating officer-senior geologist and GreenRoc director Mark Austin £5,249.999 (291,666) .
GreenRoc chief executive Stefan Bernstein’s subscription of £5,249.99 was for 291,666 shares; NEDs Lars Brünner £2,250 (125,000) and Andrew Panteli £5,249.99 (291,666); and Silvertree Partners LLP, which provides chief financial officer services through GreenRoc CFO Ben Proffitt, £7,499.99 (416,666).
On completion of the subscription, Mr Frangeskides will have 927,778 shares, equal to 0.49% of the enlarged capital, Mr Bernstein 1,711,666 (0.91%); Mr Austin 291,666 (0.16%), Mr Brünner 250,000 (0.13%), Mr Panteli 291,666 (0.16%), Silvertree 416,666 (0.22%).
Independent NED Mark Rachovides did not take part in the subscription and retains 280,000 shares (0.15%).
Following admission of the 6,111,108 subscription shares, GreenRoc’s total issued share capital will consist of 187,464,769, with voting rights.
The company holds no shares in treasury.