Metals & Minerals News

Obituary – mining executive and Green Glen chairman David Hall

Green Glen Minerals Ltd has announced the sudden death of its executive chairman and director David Hall PGeo.

David Hall (Green Glen Minerals)

A fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and EuroGeol, Mr Hall had some 35 years’ experience in exploration projects and mines in more than 50 countries.

His previous roles included chief geologist for Minorco SA, exploration manager for AngloGold South America, founder-chairman of Stratex International plc, CEO of Thani-Stratex and non-executive chairman of Horizonte Minerals plc.

Mr Hall, who founded Green Glen’s original parent company Erris Resources, died on 26 August 2023.

“First and foremost, our thoughts are with David’s family at this difficult time, and we extend to them our deepest condolences and sympathies,” said chief executive officer Aiden Lavelle.

“David was an inspiration to all that knew him, his drive and enthusiasm for exploration was infectious and he was a superb team and company builder.

“His energy translated into success with multiple natural resource companies and a successful discovery track record in both major corporations and junior exploration and development companies.

“David brought together and supported many young geologists in his career and was deeply respected as a colleague, mentor and friend by those whom he worked with. 

“David was a pleasure to work with and he will be sorely missed not only by his immediate family, friends and colleagues but the mining industry as a whole.”

Green Glen has been run on a voluntary basis for the past year while resolving the legalities of a mineral title.

“We hope to resolve the remaining issues in the short term and achieve David’s ambition of testing a potential new gold discovery in Scotland and returning value for shareholders,” added the company.

Mr Lavelle will assume the responsibilities for the company and will work with significant shareholders to identify and appoint a new director.

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