Extractive Industries

Golden Metal receives £455,000 via warrant exercise

Golden Metal Resources plc received notices to exercise warrants over a total 4,236,091 new ordinary shares of 1p each in the company at an exercise price of 10.75p per warrant share, for £455,380.

On admission, the company’s issued share capital will comprise 105,049,535 ordinary shares of 1p each, with voting rights.

Golden Metal said it had to date received notices for an aggregate 14,431,633 warrants at the same exercise price for £1,551,401.

The exercise period for the 10.75p warrants ends at midnight on 10 May 2024, other than 991,277 10.75p warrants held by parties deemed to have inside information.

A further 18,420,222 warrants remain outstanding with an exercise price of 17p per ordinary share, for which the exercise period also ends at midnight on 10 May 2025, unless the holder is deemed to have inside information.

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