Extractive Industries

Golden Metal raises £500,000 via subscription

Golden Metal Resources plc has raised £506,250 via a direct and premium priced subscription by Purebond Ltd.

The subscription in the company is Purebond‘s second this year and takes the total invested so far to approximately £1.26 million and total ownership to 6.65%.

Golden Metal issued 2,250,000 new ordinary shares of 1.0p each representing 2.06% of the enlarged issued share capital of the company, at a price of 22.5p per share.

Purebond received no warrants.

Following admission, Golden Metal’s issued share capital will comprise 109,027,165 ordinary shares of 1p each, with voting rights.

The proceeds provide working capital for accelerated exploration and project development at the Garfield copper and Pilot Mountain tungsten projects in Nevada, USA.

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