Metals & Minerals News

Golden Metal begins largest geophysics

Golden Metal Resources plc has started its largest geophysics programme to date before drill targeting at the Garfield copper-gold-silver and Pilot Mountain tungsten-garnet projects in Nevada, USA.

Potential: the zones to host mineralised copper porphyry systems (stock photo)


In May, the company confirmed new anomalies at Garfield and expanded the licensed area while also beginning a 2,000-metre drilling campaign in the Desert Scheelite zone at Pilot.

Golden Metal this week said it had a low resolution airborne magnetic dataset showing a “very large” magnetic anomaly, of circa 2km x 2km, directly coincident with the Garnet and Gun Metal skarn-type tungsten-copper-silver-zinc zones.

SJ Geophysics Ltd will conduct a high-resolution ground magnetics survey over the anomaly once the Garfield geophysics is complete.

Golden Metal added that, given the spatial relationship with two of Pilot’s skarn-type mineralised zones of Garnet and Gun Metal, the magnetic anomaly could represent a potential buried porphyry system at depth.

Following geophysics and inversion results over the ‘magnetic bullseye’ anomalies beneath Garfield’s High Grade and Power Line zones, the company began its largest geophysical exploration programme.

SJ Geophysics is also conducting high-resolution induced polarisation geophysics surveys over High Grade and Power Line, in support of three-dimensional inversion modelling, as well as a ground magnetics geophysics survey over the newly staked eastern extension zone.

Golden Metal expects to delineate drill targets once the two-week geophysics and IP survey are complete.

Chief executive Oliver Friesen added: “Based on the results achieved across multiple target areas thus far, we are of the belief that the data from the ongoing campaign, which is the largest single geophysical exploration campaign undertaken by Golden Metal to date, will lead to multiple exciting drill-ready targets.

“It has been our strategy since day one to measure twice, and cut once, and this extra exploration step, particularly at Garfield, we believe will give us further confidence in the potential for these zones to host mineralised copper porphyry systems and in addition, the necessary data to plan a targeted drilling campaign thereafter.”

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