Metals & Minerals News

Galantas notes further solid grades in Kearney vein

Galantas Gold Corporation reported further positive results for three holes drilled from underground platforms within the Kearney vein at Cavanacaw in Omagh, County Tyrone.

Incorporate: the results in the company’s future mineral resource (stock photo)


Hole FR-DD-22-UG-192, targeted within the northern dilation zone, intersected 6.2 g/t gold and 46.6 g/t silver over an 11.1m intersection.

This includes a higher grade section of 22.5 g/t gold and 170.8 silver over 2.7m.

The Canadian company has previously identified dilation zones, with potential for higher widths of mineralisation, within the Kearney underground development.

The dilation zones are believed to be linked on shallow north-dipping planes, said Galantas.

The company said that a deeper intersection on hole FR-DD-22-UG-192 recorded 14.4 g/t gold over 1.1m.

Future drilling will test the continuity of this new zone of mineralisation.

Hole FR-DD-22-UG-190 hit the B-lens outside of the current resource model with an intersection of 5 g/t gold over 1.7m, extending the B-lens 16m south of hole FR-DD-22-UG-187.

Chief executive Mario Stifano added that the exploration programme was consistently delivering solid gold grades, allowing the company to focus on further targets for ongoing follow-up drilling.

“As expected, this underexplored deposit continues to yield promising results, particularly at the main Kearney vein and the B-lens, which is another vein running parallel to Kearney.

“We are excited to incorporate these results in our future mineral resource update to also help optimise our mine plan.”