Metals & Minerals News

Galantas finds cobalt-vanadium at Gairloch

Galantas Gold Corporation said it had discovered a range of metals including cobalt and vanadium in the first exploration drillhole at the Gairloch polymetallic project Wester Ross, Scotland.

Figure 2: road cutting where new massive sulphide has been observed in bedrock (Galantas)


The Canadian company, targeting the Kerry Road gold-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, also found copper, silver, titanium and zinc.

Hole 23-GL-01 intersected 2.87% copper, 0.77 g/t gold, 0.46% zinc, 0.03% cobalt and 7.52 g/t silver over 17.90 metres.

Results included 5.08% Cu, 0.46 g/t Au, 0.35% Zn, 12.93 g/t Ag, 0.01% Co, 0.23% titanium and 176 g/t vanadium over 1.68m.

Galantas said that the presence within the system of titanium and vanadium, although in low grades, indicated the potential to discover higher grades.

To date, four holes have been completed for 190.4m over the main deposit area.

By August, one of two further holes of the planned programme will test mineralisation at a deeper level and the second will be a deep hole to test below the current deposit.

Further prospecting will continue 10km south of Kerry Road along trend towards the Gorm Lochs prospect, where historical samples include up to 4 g/t Au in outcrop.