Metals & Minerals News

FCM stakes further eight claims next to McKellar

First Class Metals plc (FCM) has staked a further eight claims, each of 400ha, contiguous to its McKellar volcanic massive sulphide property in Ontario, Canada.

Concept: results indicate that the McKellar property is open along strike in both directions (First Class Metals)


The property, previously comprising 58 claims across 12km², lies some 25km from the town of Marathon.

The additional staking follows results from grab samples at McKellar and nearby occurrences on the ‘Alvey trend’ which supported the concept that the property was open along strike in both directions.

FCM collected more than 100 samples from which findings include 4.82% zinc and 80 g/t silver on the ‘McKellar trend’ which extends over 550m.


The company’s plans for 2023 include formalising the application for an exploration permit, further exploration along the McKellar trend, and systematic sampling.

FCM will begin exploration at Goldbar Lake which lies on the property as well as other areas identified in the historical data review.

The company will also complete further work for rare earth elements.