First Class Metals plc reported progress in exploration activities for its 2023 field season at five of its metals projects in northwest Ontario, Canada.

In Zigzag, the company conducted an initial reconnaissance trip under cover of snow to appraise access, returning lithium grades of up to 1.00% and tantalum (Ta) up to 198 ppm.
A future temporary field camp at the project will be for a sawn channel sampling programme to quantify distribution of metals along the 800m strike and width.
FCM collected 18 diatreme channel samples and five grab samples at McKellar rare earth elements (REE) project, verifying historical findings with further evidence of a REE system.
The company plans to apply for an exploration permit, after discussions with relevant First Nations, to allow drilling if required.
A total 534 soil samples and five rock chip samples were collected at the Esa gold project with results pending.
At Sunbeam, FCM completed historical data and core reviews and extensive prospecting, sampling and mapping programme which included the rediscovery of a 3m wide quartz vein on the Pettigrew trend.
At North Hemlo, a field team is now established at Manitouwadge to explore on the Dead Otter trend. More than 20 samples have been collected with “visually encouraging signs”.
Chief executive officer Marc J Sale added that the company aimed to drill at least one of the properties this season.