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FCM signs exploration deal with First Nation

First Class Metals plc has signed an exploration agreement with the Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation, covering the North Hemlo, Esa and Sugar Cube properties in Ontario.

Recognition: respects Aboriginal and legal treaty rights and interests (Pixabay)


The contract allows the company to continue mineral exploration with the support of the community within their traditional territories.

“The agreement promotes unity and a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship between First Class Metals and the Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation,” said FCM. 

“The exploration agreement recognises and respects the Aboriginal and treaty rights and interests of the community with their constitutional and other legal rights.”

Chief executive officer Marc J Sale added that FCM would soon begin a stripping programme on Esa to bring the property to a “true drill-ready status”.

In August, FCM signed an exploration agreement with Whitesand First Nation to cover the Zigzag lithium project.