Extractive Industries

FCM assays show ‘massive sulphide’ find at West Pickle Lake

First Class Metals plc (FCM) reported assay results showing a “massive sulphide” discovery representing a “major new nickel district” at West Pickle Lake nickel-copper-cobalt project in Ontario, Canada.

Hosts: five known nickel sulphide zones along a 20km trend at West Pickle Lake (First Class Metals)


The Pickle Lake project area comprises 33 single cell mining claims over which Palladium One Inc has the option to earn in to an 80% interest subject to a three-year work programme commitment.

West Pickle Lake lies on the Pezim II claim block of the larger North Hemlo claim block 100% owned by FCM.

To date a total of 20 holes for 4,604m have been drilled in the vicinity of West Pickle Lake with mineralisation defined over more than 500m strike length.


FCM’s reported assay results include:

Drill hole TK-21-070: 3.1% nickel equivalent (Ni Eq) over 10.1m (2.5% Ni, 1.0% Cu, 0.03% Co, 0.26 g/t total precious metals (TPM) of platinum, palladium and gold (Pt+Pd+Au)) in massive and disseminated sulphide

including 12.8% Ni Eq over 2.3m (10.4% Ni, 3.4% Cu, 0.14% Co, 0.92 g/t TPM)

including 15.0% Ni Eq over 0.9m (12.9% Ni, 2.7% Cu, 0.16% Co, 1.05 g/t TPM)

Palladium One reported “massive to semi massive pentlandite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite sulphide” at the 500m long West Pickle Zone.

Results include 10.4% nickel, 3.4% copper over 2.3m.

The company added that the project represented a major new nickel district which hosts five known nickel sulphide zones along a 20-km trend.


FCM said that drilling had resumed on West Pickle Lake and a second drill rig added with both focused on infilling and expanding the massive sulphide mineralisation.

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