First Class Metals plc (FCM) reported assay results showing a “massive sulphide” discovery representing a “major new nickel district” at West Pickle Lake nickel-copper-cobalt project in Ontario, Canada.

The Pickle Lake project area comprises 33 single cell mining claims over which Palladium One Inc has the option to earn in to an 80% interest subject to a three-year work programme commitment.
West Pickle Lake lies on the Pezim II claim block of the larger North Hemlo claim block 100% owned by FCM.
To date a total of 20 holes for 4,604m have been drilled in the vicinity of West Pickle Lake with mineralisation defined over more than 500m strike length.
FCM’s reported assay results include:
Drill hole TK-21-070: 3.1% nickel equivalent (Ni Eq) over 10.1m (2.5% Ni, 1.0% Cu, 0.03% Co, 0.26 g/t total precious metals (TPM) of platinum, palladium and gold (Pt+Pd+Au)) in massive and disseminated sulphide
including 12.8% Ni Eq over 2.3m (10.4% Ni, 3.4% Cu, 0.14% Co, 0.92 g/t TPM)
including 15.0% Ni Eq over 0.9m (12.9% Ni, 2.7% Cu, 0.16% Co, 1.05 g/t TPM)
Palladium One reported “massive to semi massive pentlandite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite sulphide” at the 500m long West Pickle Zone.
Results include 10.4% nickel, 3.4% copper over 2.3m.
The company added that the project represented a major new nickel district which hosts five known nickel sulphide zones along a 20-km trend.
FCM said that drilling had resumed on West Pickle Lake and a second drill rig added with both focused on infilling and expanding the massive sulphide mineralisation.