Metals & Minerals News

Erris scout drilling ‘confirms’ Lead Trial proof of concept

Erris Gold Resources Ltd said that a completed scout diamond drilling programme had confirmed proof of concept at the Lead Trial prospect within the Loch Tay licence in Perthshire, Scotland.

Map showing drill hole locations, deep overburden samples and current structural interpretation (Erris Resources)


In April, the programme of six holes for 565 metres tested the depth extent of the outcropping A-Vein. This followed the collection of 155 deep overburden samples at the prospect in early March.

Assays showed the best intersection of 1.65m grading 4.44g/t Au in veined and silicified mica schist in hole EGR-002.

Drilling also intersected major altered and veined fault, the Bruce Fault, in hole EGR-003 “indicating the potential for wide zones of brecciation and veining”.

Results for new boulder samples returned up to 20.1g/t Au near the newly drilled Bruce Fault structure.

Erris has also conducted a new ground magnetic survey on east-west lines to refine high-grade targets with revised structural interpretation.


The company said it continued to advance towards a listing and that a competent person report (CPR) was being finalised.

Erris has also renewed its five permits in Norway covering the Gautelis gold project and the Varden zinc-lead-copper-gold project, and is in discussions on other potential opportunities.