Extractive Industries

Egdon applies to extend time for exploratory well at North Kelsey

Egdon Resources plc has submitted planning applications to Lincolnshire County Council for a 12-month extension to approvals for an exploratory oil well on PEDL241 North Kelsey in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Operations: Egdon needs more time to construct the wellsite, drill, test and restore the site (Egdon Resources)


The company today said it also wanted to amend the proposed bottom hole target location for the planned North Kelsey well.

The re-evaluation follows concerns that a vertical well from the existing site could miss the primary target.

Egdon said that the proposed North Kelsey exploration well needed to be drilled directionally from the existing surface location to a bottom hole location approximately 700m in a northwest direction.

A consultation period has started and, subject to approval, Egdon could drill the well later in 2022.


The operating company said that work at the site was delayed due to the pandemic.

“After the gradual lifting of restrictions, there has been an inevitable ‘catch-up’ period with the supply chain, materials and contractor availability all adversely impacted.

“All phases (site construction, drilling, testing and site restoration – the latter including for decommissioning of the borehole) have been affected as a consequence of the impact of Covid-19 upon contractors and the supply chain.

“The knock-on effect is that as the economic outlook has improved, contractors are experiencing issues with material and personnel availability and as such it was not prudent or possible to undertake and conclude all operational phases before the end of 2021 as had been planned.

“Egdon therefore requires a further period of 12 months beyond the current operational end date for operations specified by the conditions to enable the construction of the wellsite to be completed, drilling operations to be undertaken, production testing and site restoration.”

In December 2014 Egdon Resources UK Ltd received temporary planning permission from the council to drill an exploratory conventional oil well on farmland off Smithfield Road, North Kelsey, Brigg, Lincolnshire.

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