News Oil & Gas

Egdon appeals against refusal for Biscathorpe sidetrack

Egdon Resources UK Ltd has submitted an appeal against Lincolnshire County Council’s refusal to allow sidetrack drilling, testing and long-term oil production at Biscathorpe.

Operator: map of licences including PEDL253 in Biscathorpe, Lincolnshire (Egdon Resources)


The company is the operator of joint venture PEDL253 with a 35.8% interest, Union Jack Oil plc holds a 45% economic interest, and Montrose Industries Ltd has 19.2%.

Egdon submitted the appeal documentation to the Planning Inspectorate yesterday, 12 April 2022. 

The company said the inspector would consider written evidence from “the appellant, the local planning authority and anyone else who has an interest in the appeal”.