News Oil & Gas

Deltic awarded six UKCS licences of 12 new blocks

Deltic Energy plc has now been formally awarded six licences comprising 12 new blocks by the Oil and Gas Authority in the UK’s 32nd Offshore Licensing Round.

Long-term: the awards reinforce Deltic’s strategy of creating a steady ‘conveyor belt’ of licences (Pixabay – generic)

The hydrocarbon company said that all the licences were on a 100% equity position, except P2558, which has been jointly awarded with Shell UK holding a 70% working interest.

Deltic said the new licences reinforced its strategy based on creating a steady ‘conveyor belt’ of licences that can be matured and support a long-term programme of exploration wells.

The discoveries would also extend the life of existing infrastructure and help develop new gas production hubs.

RegionLicenceEquity %Blocks
Southern North SeaP25583041/5b & 42/1b
P256710043/11 & 43/12b
P256010042/13b, 42/17 & 42/18
P256110042/19 & 42/20b
P256210042/22, 42/23
Central North SeaP254210022/17a

Southern North Sea Licences

Five of the six new licences awarded to Deltic are in the Southern North Sea Gas Basin taking the total to ten licences. The company controls more than 2,733 km2 of contiguous licences from south of the Breagh gas field to the Cupertino area located towards the west of the Cygnus gas field. 

P2567 – Cadence

The company regained blocks 43/11 and 43/12 containing the Cadence prospect. The blocks are located immediately north of the Pegasus and Andromeda discoveries operated by Spirit Energy. The company has worked extensively on the seismic data and other dataset and the prospect is ready to drill.

P2558 – Pensacola North

The company was awarded an additional licence covering two-part blocks, 41/5b & 42/1b jointly with Shell, which is adjacent to the Deltic/Shell JV’s existing Pensacola licence (P2252).  The company has a 30% working interest in the licence and will be the operator. 

P2560, P2561, P2562 – Breagh South Area

These three licences are in the underexplored area to the south of the Breagh gas field and its existing licence P2424, where the Cortez prospect lies. Deltic considers this area to have significant potential with multiple leads.

Central North Sea Licence Awards

P2542 contains two prospects previously identified and which Deltic believes have significant potential. 

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