Cornwall Resources Ltd (CRL)’s completed field activities for the Deep Digital Cornwall (DDC) project have indicated “significant mineralisation trends near surface” at its Redmoor licence.

Parent company Strategic Minerals plc said that CRL submitted analytical data for 2,186 soil samples and a highly detailed ground gravity survey and 3D interpretation.
The updated results improve CRL’s understanding of the granite body below the licence area which, combined with the soil sampling results, “highlight significant mineral prospectivity” in the wider licence area.
“Notable targets” for follow-up exploration to further identify the potential for any significant mineralisation have also been recorded.
Future work will include digitisation and mapping of historical datasets, preparation for the modelling, analysis and interpretation of the aerial survey datasets, and further targeting of soil anomalies for additional study.
CRL has also begun a work programme on Target 1, which contains tin-tungsten and copper-lead-zinc soil anomalies near a previously identified granite upwelling, and within a prospective zone highlighted in 2022.