Metals & Minerals News

CRL notes significant tin results west of Redmoor

Cornwall Resources Ltd has identified significant tin results from a trenching and auger exploration programme to the west of the resource at Redmoor.

This programme has de-risked future drilling plans and will have additional information from the DDC project (Cornwall Resources)


Trench CRT01 peaked at 0.38% tin over a 2m sample interval with nearby mineralisation spanning a width of 20m.

Peak tin values of 0.87% and 0.20% tungsten were generated from close-spaced auger sampling within a 60m long anomalous area of greater than 0.10% tin.

The company said it had also identified future new drill target areas.


Three of the anomalies identified by the auger sampling were followed up by excavating three trenches, totalling 169m in length, to a depth of 1m.

Trench Sample no. From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Sn % Cu % W %
Trenching: a 20m wide zone, that includes values significantly anomalous for tin, was identified in trench CRT01
(Cornwall Resources)


Cornwall Resources’ geologists sampled the trench wall material as channel samples, typically as 2m intervals.

Trenches CRT02 and CRT03 showed no significant tin, copper or tungsten grades.

However anomalous levels of pathfinder elements were seen, which might indicate the presence of a mineralising system.


Close-spaced auger sampling was undertaken to test the fourth auger anomaly.

Traverse Sample no. East North RL m Sn % Cu % W %
Traverse 1CRL003731234883.6170618.87113.260.350.030.04
Traverse 1CRL003732234883.1570619.68113.490.560.050.06
Traverse 1CRL003733234882.7570620.45113.780.870.050.08
Traverse 1CRL003734234882.3870621.33114.100.700.050.06
Traverse 1CRL003735234881.9570622.21114.450.440.050.20
Auger: the work defined a 60m long anomaly greater than 1,000 ppm (0.1%) tin, and with
peak value of 0.87% tin. Tungsten featured a peak value of 0.20% (Cornwall Resources)

Cornwall Resources believes that this area represented an extension of the sheeted vein system that hosts the resource at Redmoor.

The company added that the samples identified unexpectedly high tin grades, and local elevated tungsten values. 


The high tin levels identified were followed up by hand-pitting.

Two sites with peak values were excavated and strike extensions from the pit base aligned with a man-made cutting in the hillside.

This was interpreted by the company as past small-scale open-cut mining and a future tin-tungsten drill target.   


Cornwall Resources is a subsidiary of Australian company Strategic Minerals plc.

Executive director and Cornwall Resources director Peter Wale said that potential westward extension of the Redmoor resource could have important implications for the size of a future resource.

“Furthermore, the strong tin results fit well with CRL [Cornwall Resources]’s hypothesis that the western mineralisation is likely to be richer in tin, in line with known metal distribution at Redmoor.

“This process has de-risked future drilling plans and is expected to be supplemented by additional valuable information from the ongoing DDC [Deep Digital Cornwall] project.”