Extractive Industries

CRL might defer drilling due to lack of drill and crews

Cornwall Resources Ltd said that a drill and crews shortage might delay its four-hole drill campaign on a previously identified tin prospect, west of the Redmoor tin-tungsten-copper project.

Welcome: tungsten and tin are included in the UK Critical Minerals list by the British Geological Survey (Cornwall Resources)


Parent company Strategic Minerals plc reported that high activity in the region by other companies had led to a lack of machinery and personnel.

Cornwall Resources, which in June received approval for the programme, could have to defer its plans until the situation changes.


Strategic Minerals also welcomed the inclusion of tungsten and tin in the UK Critical Minerals list by the British Geological Survey.

“This helps underwrite the importance of the various projects in the southwest of the country.

“This is expected to be the first step in major initiative by the UK Government to secure critical minerals supply, with its critical minerals strategy expected to be released soon.


Cornwall Resources has finished a detailed ground gravity survey and phase I of a soil sampling campaign as it concludes its first year of the Deep Digital Cornwall project.

Results of the survey will be released on completion of data analyses and modelling.

Cornwall Resources plans further data gathering for the next year of the grant-funded project.

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