Metals & Minerals News

Cornish Metals plans 18-month drill at United Downs

Cornish Metals Inc announced it would conduct its first drill programme at its copper-tin project at United Downs, Cornwall.

Cornish Metals aims to advance the project to inferred mineral resource definition (Cornish Metals)

It will also undertake initial field work on other high priority exploration targets within transport distance of South Crofty.

The Canadian miner will use funds raised for the operations from a private placing which raised £8.2 million earlier this year.


Over the next 12 to 18 months, the company’s plans to start an 18-month, 9,100 metre initial drilling programme at United Downs to advance the project to inferred mineral resource definition.

It will test three lodes with a 1,000m of strike length to a depth of 500m in the initial phase.

The company believes that there are up to seven further mineralised lode structures with a total resource potential of four to 10 million tons.

Subject to the outcome of the programme, Cornish Metals will undertake a subsequent in-fill drilling at United Downs to advance the project to a feasibility study within three years.

It will also evaluate other near-surface, high potential, exploration targets within transport distance of the planned processing plant site.

In the longer term, the company intends to develop the South Crofty tin project depending on economic conditions and finance.

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