Metals & Minerals News

Cornish Metals drill proves ‘large scale’ tin target

Cornish Metals Inc said its 9,000m drilling programme of 14 holes had successfully validated “a new, large-scale, tin-bearing exploration target” of Wide Formation, in Carn Brea South.

Confident: making new discoveries and expanding resource (Cornish Metals)


The campaign began in September 2023 and today’s reported results are from the final eight holes.

Mineralisation was traced over a 2,500m extent up to 800m down dip of the target between the Great Flat Lode to the south, and the Dolcoath and South Crofty mines to the north.

True thicknesses range from 2m to 10m, while the Wide Formation structure remains open at depth and along strike.

The Canadian company reported notable tin intercepts including 10.55m grading 0.19% tin including a zone of 1.49m grading 0.72% tin in hole CB23_012.

Drilling also intersected tin mineralisation associated with the Great Flat Lode and the Great Flat Lode splay, as well as the interpreted eastern extension of the Great Condurrow mine’s main lode.

Assays include 2.11m grading 0.58% tin and 5.48% copper in CB23_011.

The programme additionally intersected “several strongly mineralised steeply dipping zones” locally known as ‘droppers’. 

Cornish Metals added that the “numerous mineralised lodes and structures” encountered had increased overall confidence in its exploration model to make new discoveries and expand resource.

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