Corcel plc has begun initial exploration activities at its 100% owned Canegrass lithium project in Western Australia.

The company has engaged APEX Geoscience will for one week carry out “first pass ground truthing” to verify interpreted pegmatite swarms delineated from satellite imagery analysis.
The programme aims to investigate and confirm lithium and nickel prospectivity of the project.
Corcel said that APEX had highlighted potential mineralisation target areas from a desktop review of historical surface and drilling geochemical data.
Collected rock chip samples will be analysed in the field for nickel and lithium pathfinder elements including rubidium, tin, caesium, tantalum and potassium/rubidium ratios.
APEX will also record approximate dimensions of each outcropping pegmatite, visual abundances of minerals and whether lithium minerals of spodumene, petalite and lepidolite are present.