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Tobias-14 penetrates entire Binga reservoir

Corcel plc’s second well in Angola has penetrated the entire Binga reservoir section, of an approximately 80-metre column, with potential pay zones in multiple intervals.

Substantial: areas both undrained and now potentially re-charged since the original field was shuttered (Pixabay)


Operator Sonangol drilled Tobias-14 to a total depth of 781m and close to TO-4, as an offset well from the “best historic producer” in the original Tobias field.

At its historic peak, the well produced 12,580 bbls/d although it penetrated only the first 8m of the reservoir. 

Drilling of TO-14 encountered high fractured Oolitic limestones in the reservoir with “good” porosity and no water. 

Corcel said that oil shows throughout the Binga reservoir aligned with the distribution seen in historic production wells in the Tobias field, confirming moveable fluids and the ability to reactivate production.

The consortium will test TO-14 and then TO-13 before flowing the wells and progressing to design the early production system. 

Executive chairman Antoine Karam added: “Given the historically wide well spacing of the field, there appears to remain substantial areas both undrained and now potentially re-charged since the original field was shuttered.”

Corcel has a 20% working interest (18% net) in the wells which lie in onshore brownfield block KON-11 in the Kwanza basin. 

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