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Corcel completes KON-16 survey data acquisition

Corcel plc has competed acquisition of survey data on block KON-16 in the Kwanza Basin, onshore Angola.

Exploration: help refine understanding of the subsurface structure (Pixabay)


Metatek Group began operations for the enhanced full tensor gradiometry survey (eFTG) in June.

Following processing and interpretation of the data during Q4, the company will ascertain how to develop the prospectivity of the 1,000km2 block.

The data will also be integrated with existing 2D seismic and well data before prospective areas are graded and a 2D seismic acquisition programme designed for 2025.

Corcel said it then aimed to drill the first new well on the block since the 1960s. 

“We are very pleased with the completion of the acquisition of data phase of the eFTG survey on block KON-16,” added chief executive Scott Gilbert.

“This is a significant milestone in our exploration efforts, providing us with an important dataset that will help refine our understanding of the subsurface structure and prospectivity of this large, underexplored block.”

Operator Corcel owns 35% of KON-16 through its subsidiary Atlas Petroleum Exploration Worldwide Ltd.