Metals & Minerals News

Cora finds pre-drilling gold structures at Yanfolila

Cora Gold Ltd said results from regional exploration had discovered more than 12km of pre-drilling gold structures across across its five permits in the Yanfolila project area in southern Mali.

Targets: Cora’s five permits in southern Mali lie near the border with Guinea (Cora Gold)


The permits lie predominantly within 20km of Hummingbird Resources plc’s Yanfolila gold mine.

Cora’s regional exploration discovered the structures across the Farassaba III, Tékélédougou, Siékerolé, Tagan and Farani permits.

The company said that early stage exploration work would help create a pipeline of targets for future drilling to increase resources.


At Farassaba, Cora recorded values of up to 6g/t gold recorded from grab samples as part of a focused programme along newly identified high potential gold bearing structures.

More than 9km of new gold structures were identified from three separate zones, which need to undergo follow-up work to justify future reconnaissance drilling.

Teams continue to evaluate and prepare future exploration programmes both at Cora’s flagship project at Sanankoro and the wider exploration area, added the company.