Metals & Minerals News

Cora identifies new gold discoveries at Sanankoro

Cora Gold Ltd said it had identified two new gold discoveries from the first results of the 2022 drill programme at Sanankoro in southern Mali.

Intercepts: continue to give early encouragement from the first holes (Pixabay)


The campaign comprised 11 aircore shallow holes for 897m and 78 reverse circulation holes for a total 6,992m.

Operations included 4,958m at Zone B North; 1,092m at Selin South, 504m at Fode 1 and 438m at Target 6.

The company’s objective was to convert existing inferred mineral resources to indicated as well as to identify new discoveries at Sanankoro.

RC drill results at Zone B North include 25m at 2.38 g/t gold from 65m.

Two new discoveries of Fode 1 and Target 6 are both in close proximity to the existing mineral resources.

AC drill results included 2m at 3.56 g/t gold from 41m at Fode 1 and 3m at 1.24 g/t gold from 7m at Target 6.

“The recent identification of two new gold discoveries, Fode 1 and Target 6, is an exciting new development and we look forward to getting the RC drill results that followed up the initial shallow AC holes,” said chief executive Bert Monro. 

“The first holes of the RC programme have delivered a number of shallow oxide intercepts, including 25m @ 2.38 g/t Au, which continues to give us early encouragement from the first holes of the programme.”