Metals & Minerals News

Cora completes drill testing Madina Foulbé

Cora Gold Ltd has completed 2,018m of phase I exploration drilling at the Madina Foulbé gold permit within the Kenieba project area in east Senegal.

Opportunity: the project is close to several operating mines (stock photo)


The permit lies near several tier-1 gold deposits within the Mako geological belt of the Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier.

Results from samples from the reverse circulation over 40 holes are expected during the third quarter.

The programme began in mid-April and aimed to test prospective gold anomalies not previously drill tested, within the 3km long by 1.6km wide Tambor gold-in-soil anomaly.

If successful, additional drilling would then define the size and grade of the mineralisation.

Chief executive Bert Monro said that the drill marked the start of a new exploration campaign in Senegal.

“Given the project’s proximity to several operating mines and strong geochemical soil samples received to date, we are excited for the development opportunity Madina Foulbé presents.”

Madina Foulbé contains five exploration targets including Tambor, Dalaoule and Tombolo South on its eastern side and proximal to the regional North-South trending structure cutting through the permit.

Madina and Diombalou South straddle a large North-South structure on the western side of the permit.

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