Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc has begun work on a “more robust” 3D geological model at the Clontibret gold deposit in County Monaghan, Ireland.

Current relogging on more than 16,000 metres of drill core has so far completed the cross sections in the existing deposit.
The company has also nearly completed portable XRF analyses for the entire gold deposit and target, with the aim of targeting “high grade zones at depth”.
Once relogging is complete, drill core from the remaining targets, beginning with Clay Lake in Co. Armagh in Northern Ireland, will be incorporated into the programme.
Conroy also intends to apply to the European Commission for Clontibret, which is located on a historic antimony mine, to be designated as a strategic raw materials project in respect of its potential for antimony, under the European Critical Raw Materials Act 2024.
The company added that it’s “overriding priority” was to secure partner investment for its “discs of gold” project, covering the area between two parallel district-scale gold trends of Orlock Bridge and Skullmartin, both “anchored” by Clontibret.
Work continues at Skullmartin with the identification of further targets for future drilling from 468 soil samples collected across six licences.
pXRF analyses showed “encouraging values” of anomalous arsenic of more than 90 parts per million and antimony of more than 45ppm.
Conroy noted that arsenic and antimony are known pathfinder elements to gold mineralisation in the Longford-Down massif.
Two exploration targets of Creenkill on C3 licence and the Bocks on PL4554 were previously identified at Skullmartin.