Metals & Minerals News

Conroy results show intersection extends 40m at 1.2g/t gold on Clay Lake JV target

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc assays showed a gold intersection extending 40.5m at 1.2 g/t gold on the Clay Lake target in County Armagh, Northern Ireland.

Potential: the Clay Lake gold target lies 7km (4.5 miles) northeast of the Clontibret gold target (Conroy Gold)


The results are from the first of an eight-hole step-out drilling programme for 2,000 metres on the Derryhennet section conducted with joint venture partner (JV) Demir Export SA on the Longford-Down Massif.

Conroy Gold said that the drill hole lies 200m southwest of the nearest previous drill hole in the area which intersected 52.5m gold grading 0.5g/t gold announced in 2018.  

The JV drilled the hole to a downhole depth of 212.7m at an inclination of -60 degrees.

Gold mineralisation of 40.5m was intersected in a stockwork zone at a downhole depth of 135.5m.

“The intersection indicates good continuity of the gold stockwork zone at Derryhennet and adds further to our understanding and knowledge of the overall potential scale of the Clay Lake gold target,” added the company.


Clay Lake forms a single large gold-in-soil anomaly, nearly 3km in length and in places 2km wide, across 200 ha (500 acres).

The target is “considerably larger” in size than the Clontibret gold target.

“This is an excellent start to the step-out drilling programme at Clay Lake and adds further to the overall gold potential of this new gold district,” said chairman Professor Richard Conroy.