Metals & Minerals News

Conroy Gold step-out drilling continues to extend mineralisation at Clontibret

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc said assay results from three further drill holes demonstrated a 375 metre extension to the northeast of the Clontibret deposit in County Monaghan, Ireland.

Deposit: step-out drilling programme has extended the bedrock gold mineralisation further outside the surface gold-in-soil footprint (Conroy Gold)


In April 2022 the company, with Turkish joint venture partner and operator Demir Export SA began step-out drilling comprising eight holes.

Today’s results take the completed number of drilled holes to seven, with previous results of intersections and extensions announced in June, September and October 2022.


The three holes were drilled at -60 degrees for a total 1,053m.

Conroy Gold said that gold mineralisation in bedrock was intersected in all three, in both the stockwork and in lode zones.

“Previous drilling had already identified gold mineralisation outside the anomalous gold-in-soil footprint at Clontibret which has a surface area of c.125 hectares.

“The current step-out drilling programme has extended the bedrock gold mineralisation further outside the surface gold-in-soil footprint.

“The deposit still remains open in all directions and to depth.”


The first drill hole, located 270m from the previous resource drilling, reached a down-hole depth of 342m.

Gold mineralisation intersected in the stockwork included 14m @ 0.5 g/t Au.

The drill hole also intersected two lode zones with grades of 2m @ 1.4 g/t Au including 4.4g/t Au over 0.5m and 2m @ 0.8 g/t Au including 2.6g/t Au over 0.5m.

The second drill hole, located 340m from the previous resource drilling, reached a down-hole depth of 373.1m.

Drill hole intersections include 0.5m @ 0.7 g/t Au from 39.5m; 0.4m @ 0.6 g/t Au from 98.6m; 0.5m @ 1.2 g/t Au from 173m; 3.6m @ 0.4 g/t Au from 287m; and 1m @ 0.4 g/t Au from 350m

The third drill hole which lies more than 375m from the previous resource drilling reached a down-hole depth of 338.3m.

Intersections include 0.5m @ 0.7 g/t Au from 65m; 2m @ 0.4 g/t Au from 174.0m; and 2m @ 0.3 g/t Au from 184m.


Conroy Gold said the stockwork in the Clontibret gold deposit represented a series of crosscutting veins.

The lode zones are represented by a series of parallel sheet-like higher grade mineralised structures.

Future drilling will look to extend the area and enhance known resource.

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