Metals & Minerals News

Conroy scout drilling shows open Clontibret

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc said scout drilling results from four gold targets further showed the Clontibret gold target to be open in all directions.

Targets:a total of 2921.4m and 14 drill holes have been completed in the scout drilling programme (stock photo)


Corcaskea, Corraweelis and Dunraymond are in the 65km Orlock Bridge gold trend and Creenkill lies in the 24km Skullmartin gold trend, both of which are in the Longford-Down Massif.

The JV’s licensed areas over both trends now cover more than 1,000km2.

Turkish JV partner Demir Export is undertaking the drilling programme in conjunction with Conroy Gold.

At Corcaskea, three holes for a total 666.2m intersected gold outside Clontibret and to depth which demonstrated that the Clontibret resource was still “very much open in all directions”.

The JV interpreted a series of shallow dipping mineralised lode structures, different to the “relatively steep dipping” lode structures at the Clontibret deposit.

Conroy Gold said that some of the mineralised lode structure intersected in the recent drilling had “poor core recovery” with one recording less than 45% recovery.

At the 500m long by 200m wide Corraweelis target, within the overall Slieve Glah area, two holes were drilledfor a total 544.7m.

Both holes crossed the width of the gold anomaly, one on the very south-western end and the other on the north-eastern portion.

Best grades reported were 1m @0.40 g/t from 122m.

Two holes for a total 582.6m at Dunraymond, within the overall Glenish gold target, tested interpreted structures within a 550m by 600m deep overburden geochemical gold anomaly.

One hole tested the large Glenish fault zone within the geochemical gold anomaly showed only “minor mineralisation”.

The second hole, drilled within the geochemical gold anomaly, targeted a linear feature shown to be a large dyke encountered from 136m to 147.1m (11.1m intersection).

An additional seven holes were drilled at Creenkill for a total 1,094.9m completed, adding “significantly” to the geological understanding of the target.

Three distinct occurrences for the gold mineralisation have been identified within Creenkill which the company described as a “particularly exciting target”.

“It is now seen to form part of the newly identified 24km (15 miles) Skullmartin gold trend which itself is still open along strike and lies parallel to, and south of, the Orlock Bridge Fault zone,” added Conroy Gold.

Results include 0.5m @ 2.4 g/t gold sample from 47.7m.

A total of 2921.4m and 14 drill holes have been completed in the scout drilling programme.