Extractive Industries

Conroy Gold JV intersects extended mineralisation at Clontibret

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc said the first two completed holes of an eight-hole step-out drilling programme had intersected mineralisation at the Clontibret gold joint venture (JV) in County Monaghan, Ireland.

Programme: two drill rigs are on site continuing with the remaining six holes at Clontibret (Conroy Gold)


The company’s JV is with Turkish miner and operator Demir Export.

Demir drilled hole 1 to a down hole depth of 285.8 metres, extending the stockwork to the northeast and down dip.

The intersections also included a number of new mineralisation zones.

“This drill hole has also demonstrated mineralisation in an area where there was no surface gold-in-soil geochemical signature,” said Conroy in a statement.

The operator drilled hole 2 to a down hole depth of 179m, with mineralisation intersected at a number of levels.

This related to the central lodes of the ore body and has extended the lodes.

Laboratory analysis of both drill cores is pending.

Conroy added that two drill rigs were on site continuing with the remaining six holes of the programme.

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