Extractive Industries

Conroy Gold intersects 33.2m gold zone in stockwork at Clontibret

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc reported an intersection of 33.2m gold zone within the stockwork, grading 0.8 g/t gold, at its joint venture operations at the Clontibret deposit in Co. Monaghan, Ireland.

Programme: drilling has further enhanced understanding of the ore body (Conroy Gold and Natural Resources)


Today’s assay results are from the fourth of eight holes in a drill programme for 3,000m.

Turkish partner and operator Demir Export SA reached a down-hole depth of 136m in drillhole four, at an inclined angle of -60 degrees.

The drill hole intersected gold mineralisation in the stockwork at a down hole depth of 91.8m (vertical depth of 79m).

Mineralisation extended to a down-hole depth of 125.0m, including 8.0m @ 1.2 g/t Au from 96.0m.

Chairman Professor Richard Conroy added that intersections in the mineralisation were up to 2.3g/t.


Drillhole four is located 100m up dip from drillhole TW001, one of the drill holes from Demir’s due diligence drilling earlier in the year, which encountered the widest gold intercept yet drilled at Clontibret.

“The presence in drillhole four of a further intersection of wide gold mineralisation in the stockwork, 100m away from the wide gold intersection in TW001, demonstrated the continuity of gold mineralisation in the stockwork in this area,” said Conroy Gold.


Professor Conroy added that results to date indicated the potential for high tonnage and overall gold content within the stockwork gold zone in addition to the known gold content of the lode zones.

“The drill programme so far has significantly extended the stockwork continuity, added new gold lodes and, most importantly, it has further enhanced our understanding of the ore body, which we are confident remains open along strike and at depth.”

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